Rally Tag update script

Rally Stage mode will automatically try to filter on rally tracks, but with many tracks missing the “rally” tag the result is lots of clicking back and forth. This script will search for all ui_track.json files in the subfolders from where the script is launched, and show a list of the files where the tag “rally” is missing. If you confirm it will first create a backup of those files, then add the tag.

How to use this script:

  1. Move all rally tracks from …\assettocorsa\content\tracks to a temporary folder, let’s say c:\temp-tracks
  2. Download and unzip the script into this folder (Update_Rally_Tags.ps1)
  3. Open a command prompt (“CMD”)
  4. Go to the tracks folder (cd c:\temp-tracks)
  5. Copy-paste this command: powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass .\Update_Rally_Tags.ps1
  6. Confirm modification
  7. Move the tracks back to …\assettocorsa\content\tracks

If you have no or just a few non-rally tracks the script can simply be launched straight from the folder …\assettocorsa\content\tracks. Then copy back the non-rally tracks files from the zip file.

Use this script at your own peril. AC Rally Central assumes no responsibility for injuries or property damage!