Here’s a number of mods for the new Copilot app that was released with CSP v0.2.4

Voice packs
- English – Nicky Grist by Codemasters & AC Rally central
- French – Stéphane Prévot by Codemasters & AC Rally central
- Italian – Antonello Moncada by Bitto69 & 0072
- Spanish – Generic AI voice by Franicks
Extract into this folder: …\assettocorsa\apps\lua\RallyCopilot\voices and select the voice in app settings (in-game)
CSP Copilot wav merging script
To convert old codriver sound files to the new CSP Copilot format with the index, or merge new ones:
Download and install the latest Miniconda, a lightweight Python installation. Keep default values during installation. In the start menu, find “Anaconda Prompt (miniconda3). A command line interface will open. Go to your working folder (for instance: cd c:\copilot). Now copy-paste following command to install needed python libraries:
pip install pandas pyduby
Download and extract the copilot_wav_merger script into this folder. Copy the old copilot .wav files into a subfolder “audio-files” for instance c:\copilot\audio-files. Test play one of the .wav files: if it sounds like Mickey Mouse, sampling rate will have to be fixed. Launch the script by copy-pasting this command:
python copilot_wav_merger
Enter “Y” to fix sampling rate if required. 2 files will be created: NewVoice.mp3 and the index file NewVoice.txt. Copy these files over into the game structure, in a new folder for instance …assettocorsa\apps\lua\RallyCopilot\voices\NewVoice. Copy over the manifest.ini from one of the other voice folders and edit NAME so it can be recognized in the app.
Some remarks:
- Old codriver voices are missing a few needed samples, most notably “Get ready” and “Go”
- Adjust mappings.csv file as needed; the second column is the name of the .wav or .ogg file (without extension)
- Filenames and paths can be changed through variables at the top of the copilot_wav_merger script
- .wav, .ogg and .mp3 files are supported; the script will search for either in the input folder. Sample rate fixing is only applied to .wav files.