Lidar data sources

Here’s a list of quality lidar data provided by a number of countries:

CountryCoveragePrecisionResolution (ppm²)ClassifiedColorizedESPG codeInformation
Belgium (Flanders)complete5 cm27groundyes31370Data download: LIDAR DHMV II
Belgium (Wallonia)complete?7-13yesno8370account must be created first
Finlandcomplete10 cm0,5 (free) - 5 (pay)yesno3067download link via mail
Francepartial5 cm27yesno2154.copc.laz files can be streamed directly into QGIS
Netherlandscomplete5 cm10-24yesno28992AHN4
New Zealand
Norwaycomplete?20yesno5972download link via mail
Slovakiacomplete10 cm26yesno8353 or 3035?Data export, choose shape > draw polygon. Max 2km at once
Sloveniacomplete?12yesno3794Select OTR (D96TM) LAZ for ground points only, GKOT for complete data
Spaincomplete?0,5-4yesyes2062 / 4083 / 25830Modelos Digitales de Elevaciones -> LIDAR 1/2/3
Spain (Galicia)complete?1-2yesyes2062Elevaciones (LAS) in left menu - class 12 can be re-used?
Spain (Catalunya)complete?1-2yesno2062
Spain (Gipuzkoa)partial?5-1000yespartial25830Utilidades > lidar aerial + ultra hi-res mobile mapping (for main roads)
Switzerlandpartial10 cm15-20yesno2056XYZ ascii files or DTM 0,5m
UK (Scotland)partial?2-4groundno27700
USUS???novariousboth lidar and DEM

Countries all over the world are making more and better lidar data available; do get in touch if you come across data that could be included in the list, or if you notice an error.

If you can’t find lidar data for your country, many places have 1m raster DEM available which is a lot better than the (usually rather coarse) Google or OSM terrain.

Some other reference collections that can be useful: