CSP Copilot mods

Here’s a number of mods for the new Copilot app that was released with CSP v0.2.4

Voice packs

CSP Copilot wav merging script

To convert old codriver sound files to the new CSP Copilot format with the index, or merge new ones:

Download and install the latest Miniconda, a lightweight Python installation. Keep default values during installation. In the start menu, find “Anaconda Prompt (miniconda3). A command line interface will open. Go to your working folder (for instance: cd c:\copilot). Now copy-paste following command to install needed python libraries:

pip install pandas pyduby

Download and extract the copilot_wav_merger script into this folder. Copy the old copilot .wav files into a subfolder “audio-files” for instance c:\copilot\audio-files. Test play one of the .wav files: if it sounds like Mickey Mouse, sampling rate will have to be fixed. Launch the script by copy-pasting this command:

python copilot_wav_merger

Enter “Y” to fix sampling rate if required. 2 files will be created: NewVoice.mp3 and the index file NewVoice.txt. Copy these files over into the game structure, in a new folder for instance …assettocorsa\apps\lua\RallyCopilot\voices\NewVoice. Copy over the manifest.ini from one of the other voice folders and edit NAME so it can be recognized in the app.

Some remarks:

  • Old codriver voices are missing a few needed samples, most notably “Get ready” and “Go”
  • Adjust mappings.csv file as needed; the second column is the name of the .wav or .ogg file (without extension)
  • Filenames and paths can be changed through variables at the top of the copilot_wav_merger script
  • .wav, .ogg and .mp3 files are supported; the script will search for either in the input folder. Sample rate fixing is only applied to .wav files.